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When you add Bonza Bronz® to your product and service range, you've added performance properties supported by more than 20 years of technical knowledge and experience, combined with a safety, purity and an environmental profile that meets today's global and regulatory demands.
Bonza Bronz® offers before and after personal care products to improve the performance of your spray tanning results. Currently, almost 70% of spray tanning products in the Australian market are manufactured by the Bonza Bronz® Group.
Bonza Bronz® offers sensory benefits you and your customers will notice. Bonza Bronz® will help you deliver, with certainty, the best spray tanning and personal care products you need to gain that competitive advantage in today's fiercely competitive tanning market.
Bonza Bronz® professional & personal care products stand out from the competition and enhance your reputation for performance, quality and safety. Choose the company that makes a marketable difference.
Choose Bonza Bronz®